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Supports the understanding and implementation of humanitarian-development collaboration and its linkages to peace, consistent with humanitarian principles.
Advances collective action by optimizing engagement within the IASC and with relevant development and peace actors on humanitarian-development collaboration and its linkage to peace by:
- Mapping good practice in strengthening the peace element in humanitarian-development-peace nexus programming, where appropriate, connecting to existing country-level analytical efforts, while safe-guarding humanitarian principles.
- Further developing the mapping of good practice implementing the HDP nexus by consolidating additional best practices and lessons learnt in collaboration with field-based partners, including existing initiatives such as the ICVA-WFP led community of practice.
- Providing sector/cluster-specific practical guidance to strengthening humanitarian-development-peace collaboration (including on joint analysis and programming as well as monitoring progress thereof across sectors).
- Identifying and mapping good practice on the role of humanitarian organisations contributing to the delivery of basic services across the nexus in protracted contexts.
- Building on the ‘Financing the Nexus’ study, the Joint Steering Committee (JSC) country mapping, the IASC Mapping of Good Practice and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) International Network on Conflict and Fragility (INCAF) study on nexus financing, identify and propose solutions in selected countries aimed at strengthening funding and financing instruments for joint humanitarian development programming and engage with donors, including through the United Nations - Development Assistance Committee (UN-DAC) Dialogue, to bring them up to scale.
- Ensuring that operational planning and delivery is conflict sensitive, including by developing an IASC Conflict Sensitivity Accountability Framework.
Note: This group builds on the valuable outputs of the previous IASC Results Group 4 on Humanitarian-Development Collaboration and IASC Results Group 5 on Humanitarian Financing, which completed their work end of March 2022.