Progress Report 2018, IASC Task Team on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings.

Published Date

Composition of the Reference Group:

There are 53 full MHPSS Reference Group (RG) members, 9 observers plus 7 donor organizations. Five members are classified as ‘networks’ (, InterAction, INEE, ACT Alliance and ICVA), with 7 UN agencies (UN Migration Agency/ IOM, UNHCR, WHO, UNICEF, UNRWA, UNFPA and OCHA). The International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies’ Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support (IFRC PS Centre) is a member, alongside more than 30 international NGOs.  

During this year, 5 new member organizations joined the group as full members; Americares, CBM International-Basic Needs, Jesuit Refugee Service, Medair and TPO Uganda.

Country-level MHPSS working groups exist currently in 20 emergencies and are supported by the RG. The RG represent the only global Interagency support mechanism for MHPSS working groups and for MHPSS in emergencies as a crosscutting area of work.