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Synopsis: A Survey Towards Coherent Support for the Humanitarian-Development Nexus, 2017

Published Date

The IASC TT on Strengthening the Humanitarian – Development Nexus was tasked by the IASC Working Group (ref 92nd IASC WG meeting, 5-6 April 2017) to reach out to HC/RCs with the objective of clarifying gaps and required guidance on the operationalization on the New Way of Working.

The survey was sent to 28 country operations where there is an HC/RC present. These respondents in turn chose to share and invite HCT/UNCT members to contribute individual responses. Some 23 individual responses have been received thus far, from the following 15 countries: Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Colombia, Eritrea, Lebanon, Mali, Myanmar, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine, and the occupied Palestinian territories. Some by RC/HCs, some by individual HCT members, and some on behalf of HCT/UNCT. Surveys came from country teams responding to sudden onset and slow onset natural disasters, massive internal and refugee population movement, and complex situations due to conflict.