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Summary Report: 2nd Practitioners’ Network Meeting to Strengthen Collaboration across the humanitarian development and peacebuilding nexus, 28-29 May 2018

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Actors at country level continue to work on, refine, and develop new solutions to the obstacles that perpetuate the silos between humanitarian, development and peacebuilding actors and their efforts. They are developing new approaches to harmonize programming cycles and to streamline coordination and planning mechanisms to better address risks, vulnerabilities and root causes to crisis.

The 1st Practitioners’ Support Network Workshop was held in Entebbe, Uganda, 28-29 November 2017, bringing together 21 peer practitioners including representatives from the UN, NGO community and the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. The primary aim of this workshop was to facilitate pragmatic trouble-shooting through cross-learning and peer-to-peer knowledge exchange. Practitioners shared their in-depth knowledge and hands-on experiences in advancing a strengthened collaboration across sectors in the field.