Caucus on the role of intermediaries

Published Date

Following the announcement of EP Jan Egeland to prioritise a caucus on the role of intermediaries in his letter in July 2021, Co-convenors of workstream 2 IFRC and Switzerland, along with SCHR, worked on initial thinking around the problem statement and the objective of the caucus. Following consultations with some of the key stakeholders, they propose that the caucus should build on the recent Localisation Workstream report, Bridging the intention to action gap: the future role of intermediaries in supporting locally-led humanitarian action,’. The proposed caucus on role of intermediaries will draw from the main findings and recommendations from this report focusing on where greatest political change is needed and urgent – on opportunity and motivation of donors and intermediaries to provide space for local and national actors to lead, design and deliver principled humanitarian response in collaboration with the affected populations.

Please find attached the caucus proposal and the timeline. The caucus champions will provide regular updates to the Signatories through the Secretariat on the developments of the caucus, including on opportunities to engage or provide inputs. Signatories are welcome to share perspectives or reading materials through the Secretariat.

For more information on the caucuses, click here.