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survey findings

Future of the Grand Bargain - Survey findings, November 2020

Published Date
In September and October 2020, the Grand Bargain Secretariat carried out two separate surveys to contribute to the consultations on the future of the Grand Bargain by addressing some of the knowledge gaps and providing quantitative data on the views of Signatories and non-Signatories.

IASC Briefing Pack: COVID-19 Risk Communications and Community Engagement (RCCE) and the Humanitarian System

Document Type
Published Date
During the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC)1 Principals meeting on 28 April 2020 in which a Risk Communications and Community Engagement (RCCE) Collective Service for the COVID-19 outbreak response was presented by UNICEF and IFRC, and the subsequent Operational Policy and Advocacy Group (OPAG) 2 meeting on 21 May 2020; the Results Group on Accountability and Inclusion (RG2) was requested to coordinate and compile information on how the RCCE collective service links with the broader global and country level humanitarian architecture.
survey findings

Future of the Grand Bargain - Survey findings, November 2020

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
In September and October 2020, the Grand Bargain Secretariat carried out two separate surveys to contribute to the consultations on the future of the Grand Bargain by addressing some of the knowledge gaps and providing quantitative data on the views of Signatories and non-Signatories.
Duty of Care

IASC Minimum Standards on Duty of Care in the Context of COVID-19

Document Type
IASC Product
Product Category
Published Date
The IASC duty of care minimum standards guide IASC members and standing invitees (hereinafter ‘the IASC organizations') in the implementation of adequate duty of care provisions in the context of COVID-19 for all of their personnel regardless of nationality and contractual type.

Workstream 9 on harmonised reporting: New donors adopt the 8+3 template - November 2020 update

Published Date
Ahead of the upcoming end of the year (and of this year’s the Grand Bargain reporting period), the Co-Convenors of Workstream 9, Germany and ICVA, would like to share some news on the progress of the harmonized and simplified 8+3 reporting template. A number of signatories have previously indicated their support of the 8+3 Template and its implementation (see Grand Bargain website).
Minimum Standards on Duty of Care cover page

IASC Minimum Standards on Duty of Care in the Context of COVID-19

Published Date
The IASC duty of care minimum standards guide IASC members and standing invitees (hereinafter ‘the IASC organizations’') in the implementation of adequate duty of care provisions in the context of COVID-19 for all of their personnel regardless of nationality and contractual type.

Workstream 4 on reduced duplication and management costs: UN/NGO Partnership agreements - November 2020 update

Published Date
In order to increase efficiency in managing partnership agreements, UNHCR has further refined its risk-based approach whereby NGO partners are grouped into 3 categories - A (high-capacity/low-risk), B (medium), C (low-capacity/high-risk).  For existing partners, the categorization is based on previous audits and assessments of internal controls. If a partner has been assessed by UNICEF, UNFPA, UNDP (the Harmonized Approach to Cash Transfers/HACT agencies) or by OCHA Country Based Pooled Fund (CBPF), then UNHCR Representatives have the discretion to take that rating int