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Guidelines for HIV/AIDS Interventions in Emergency Settings

IASC Guidelines for HIV/AIDS Interventions in Emergency Settings, 2003

Document Type
IASC Product
Product Category
Published Date
The IASC guidelines for HIV/AIDS Interventions aim to assist individuals and organizations in their efforts to address the special needs of people living with HIV in emergency situations, and emphasize the minimum required actions needed to manage HIV/AIDS in the early phase of emergency situations. The guidelines are applicable in any emergency setting, whether the prevalence of HIV/AIDS is high or low.    This document consists of four parts:  1. Part one introduces the rationale for specific HIV/AIDS interventions in complex emergencies

IASC Reference Group on HIV/AIDS in Emergency Settings Plan of Action for 2002-2003

Document Type
Work Plans and Progress Reports
Product Category
Published Date
Over the last two decades, complex emergencies resulting from conflict and natural disasters have occurred with increasing frequency throughout the world. Many people are exposed to conditions of conflict, social instability, poverty and powerlessness that also favor the rapid spread of HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections.The detailed plan of action identifies the objectives to be fulfilled on HIV/AIDS issues in emergency settings. The objectives are within three thematic areas:1) Capacity building and training