Grand Bargain Cash Workstream Webinar Week - Recordings and materials - July 2020

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cash webinarsWhile the Coronavirus pandemic means that the Co-convenors of the workstream 3 (Increase the use and coordination of cash-based programming) were unable to hold the annual Grand Bargain cash workstream workshop in person this year, they were keen to keep up the momentum and harness all the great work the Signatories have been doing to deliver in our shared commitment to increase the use and coordination of humanitarian cash assistance.

With the support of the workstream co-leads, the Co-convenors have put together a week of webinars exploring a range of cutting-edge issues in cash programming and policy. More than 10 webinars took place from 20 to 24 July 2020 on a range of topics, including on humanitarian cash and social protection, building local partnerships, lessons learnt, good practices, risk, and others. Please find the recordings and presentations below. 

Final workshop reports

Day 1: 20 July 2020

Opening session: Workstream and the global state of play and progress in 2019

Collaboration in cash assistance: Progress and why it matters

Day 2: 21 July 2020

Cash and Gender sub-Workstream:

Humanitarian Cash and Social Protection, discussion of priorities

Day 3: 22 July 2020

CRS: Market Monitoring, Analysis and Response Kit v2 (MARKit) v2

IRC + SCAN partners: Cost Efficiency

Day 4: 23 July 2020

Localization and the Future of CVA: Perspectives from Local Actors Session 1 – English

Localization and the Future of CVA: Perspectives from Local Actors Session 2 – Spanish

Day 5: 24 July 2020

Cash and Risk sub-Workstream (CaLP and WFP)

Closing session: Cash Assistance - Way Forward