Documents of The Grand Bargain (Official website)

Launch of the Caucus on Scaling up Anticipatory Action

Launch of the Caucus on Scaling up Anticipatory Action

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
Following intensive preparatory work by the core-group of interested Signatories, Ambassador Koehler launched the Caucus on Scaling up Anticipatory Action. The caucus is co-championed by Germany, OCHA, Save the Children, and WFP, and includes members such as EU/DG ECHO, FAO, IFRC, NEAR, Oxfam, and UK/FCDO.
Facilitation Group Sherpa meeting Grand Bargain

Summary Note - Facilitation Group Sherpa meeting - 16 January 2024

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
The quarterly meeting of the Facilitation Group Sherpas (EU/DG ECHO, Germany, OCHA, UNICEF, IFRC, InterAction, NEAR) took place on 16 January 2024. Ambassador Koehler provided updates on progress in focus area 2, on innovative financing and the nexus.
Self-reporting revision process

One-pager: Self-reporting revision process

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
As agreed in the Grand Bargain 2023-2026 framework to revise the self-reporting mechanism, the Ambassadors with the support of the Secretariat will launch a process with the aim of having a revised mechanism by spring 2024. The objective is to have more transparency, more accurate and more comparable data.
One-pager - Quality Funding

One-pager - Quality Funding in the Grand Bargain

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
Quality funding has been one of the Grand Bargain priorities since 2021. While progress has been made, the transformational change is yet to be seen.

Making the most of cash at scale - Mercy Corps Policy Paper - October 2023

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
Mercy Corps’ new study explores the potential of cash at scale to meet increasing humanitarian needs and deliver peoplecentric response. For Mercy Corps, cash at scale to date has been delivered via consortium models. Over the past few years, Mercy Corps has led cash consortia around the globe, delivering cash at scale with partners to meet critical basic needs.
Anchoring Anticipatory Action in the Grand Bargain

Anchoring Anticipatory Action in the Grand Bargain - Summary Note

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
As part of the conference organised by the Anticipation Hub, a session on ”Anchoring Anticipatory Action in the Grand Bargain” was held on 12 October, co-organised by the Anticipation Hub, the co-leads of the Grand Bargain interest group on Anticipatory Action, Germany (GFFO) and WFP, and the Grand Bargain Secretariat.

Grand Bargain Signatories

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
1.    A4EP2.    ActionAid International3.    Australia4.    Belgium5.    Bulgaria6.    CAFOD7.    Canada8.    CARE International9.    Catholic Relief Services10.  Christian Aid11.  Czech Republic12.  Danish Church Aid13.  Danish Refugee Council14.  Denmark15.  Estonia16.  EU/DG ECHO17.  FAO