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Consultancy Report: Towards a Generic Definition of Collective Outcomes, 2018

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Published Date
The Interagency Standing Committee (IASC) Task Team (TT) for the humanitarian and development nexus (HDN TT) was created by IASC Principals to recognize the significant shift that needs to take place in the way humanitarian and development actors work with one another, especially for protracted crises. This consultancy report is commissioned by WHO as co-chair of the Task Team to inform the work of the HDN TT, and by extension the IASC, in advancing a common understanding of elements of the humanitarian and development nexus.

Task team on Inclusion of Persons with disabilities in humanitarian action - ONLINE SURVEY

Published Date
In follow-up to the Charter launched during the World Humanitarian Summit, and the ongoing work to develop globally-endorsed UN system-wide guidelines on the inclusion of persons with disabilities, the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Task Team on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action is conducting a series of regional consultations.