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WHS - Global Preparedness Partnership - Brochure

Document Type
Product Category
Preparedness and Contingency Planning
Published Date
The Global Preparedness Partnership (GPP) between the Vulnerable Twenty Group (V20) , donors and multilateral organizations to strengthen national and local preparedness and develop predictable arrangements for response and recovery in countries most at-risk to the impact of climate change and disasters.
Best Practice Guide Inter Agency Community Based Complaint Mechanisms

IASC Best Practice Guide Inter-Agency Community-Based Complaints Mechanisms, 2016

Document Type
IASC Product
Product Category
Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
Published Date
The Best Practice Guide is operational guidance on how to set up and run an inter-agency community-based complaint mechanism to handle reports of sexual abuse and exploitation by aid workers. It compiles lessons learned, examples, and case studies gathered throughout the course of the 2013-2015 IASC pilot project on inter-agency CBCMs. The Guide is an easy-to-use living document that offers practical guidance, and includes global Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) on inter-agency cooperation in complaint handling.