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IASC AAP PSEA TT 11March16 Presentation

Document Type
Minutes/Meeting Notes
Product Category
Accountability to Affected Populations
Published Date
Presentation used during the Task team meeting, including input from the Listen Learn Act Project and the Common Service Platform

Suggested Actions for cluster coordination groups to strengthen accountability

Document Type
Product Category
Accountability to Affected Populations
Published Date
This document provides suggested actions for cluster coordination groups to improve accountability to affected people in field operations. While there is a consensus on the importance of Accountability to Affected Population in humanitarian response, country teams often raise the question “how do we actually do it?”

Suggested Actions for Inter-cluster coordination groups to strengthen accountability

Document Type
Product Category
Accountability to Affected Populations
Published Date
This document provides suggested actions for Inter-cluster coordination groups (ICCGs) to improve accountability to affected people in field operations. While there is a consensus on the importance of Accountability to Affected Population in humanitarian response, country teams often raise the question “how do we actually do it?”