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Gender Equality in the 2015 Strategic Response Plan

Document Type
Published Date
The report illustrates a growing recognition that gender equality is pivotal to humanitarian response. It is encouraging that concerted efforts are being made to ensure that humanitarian programming effectively addresses the distinct needs of women, girls, men and boys. For example, many operations identified specific protection and reproductive needs of girls and women along with programming strategies and activities to address these needs.

Saving Lives Together: A Framework for Improving Security Arrangements Among IGOs, NGOs and UN in the Field, 2015

Document Type
IASC Product
Product Category
Staff Security
Published Date
At a glance The Saving Lives Together initiative was created in recognition of the fact that the organisations of the United Nations Security Management System (UNSMS), International Non-Governmental Organisations (INGOs) and Intergovernmental Organisations (IOs) face similar security challenges when

IASC Newsletter - October 2015

Document Type
IASC Newsletter
Published Date
Click here to see the October 2015 edition of the IASC Newsletter.