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Mid-Year Retreat of the IASC Humanitarian Financing Task Team - Agenda

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Published Date
Objectives for the retreatTake stock of progress against the objectives in the IASC Humanitarian Financing Task Team’s workplan for 2014-2015 (as revised in January 2015) and agree on the way forwardStrengthen links between the Task Team and the secretariat of the High-Level Panel on Humanitarian Financing

IASC Newsletter - May 2015

Document Type
IASC Newsletter
Published Date
Click here to see the May 2015 edition of the IASC Newsletter.

IASC Reference Group Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Assessment Guide (2013)

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Product Category
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
Published Date
The purpose of this document is to provide agencies with a guide with three tools containing key assessment questions that are of common relevance to all actors involved in Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) independent of the phase of the emergency. This guide will be useful for rapid assessments of MHPSS issues in humanitarian emergencies across sectors. The guide is designed for use by various humanitarian

HFTT - Meeting Agenda - 27May2015

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Published Date
Update on Objective 2: “Re-negotiate donor requirements or conditions that contribute to reducing the burden,” and related activities Update on Activity 2.1 on donor conditions (UNFPA and WFP)Update on status of InterAction study on donor agreements (InterAction and ICVA)Update on ICVA study on UN agreements (ICVA)Update on Activity 1.5: ICVA/FCS study on partner capacity assessments (ICVA)Discussion on way forward on donor conditions workstream (activity leads)Other business 

Update on Objective 2: Donor Conditions (27May2015)

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Published Date
DONOR CONDITIONS Objective 2.1Renegotiate donor requirements or conditionsthat contribute to reducing the burdenPresentation to the IASC Task Team on Humanitarian FinancingGeneva, 27 May 2015Study co-led by WFP and UNFPA - This document is designed as support to the oral presentation.