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High-Level Panel on Humanitarian Financing - TORs (12 Mar 2015)

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Published Date
The UN Secretary-General has decided to convene a High-Level Panel that will explore ways to address the gap between growing humanitarian needs and the resources available to meet those needs. This is an issue which requires a global and collective response from the international community. The Panel is expected to produce recommendations based around 3 questions: 1)      How can more be raised from traditional donors and through innovative funding mechanisms to address the growing gap?

Future of Humanitarian Financing - executive summary

Document Type
Other Product
Product Category
Humanitarian Financing
Published Date
The daunting scale of the humanitarian funding gap and the seemingly intractable nature of many of the well-known and documented humanitarian financing challenges provided the backdrop to the Future Humanitarian Financing (FHF) dialogues in 2014. Yet at the same time, economic growth, rising global connectedness, new technology, innovation in financing and business practices and emerging global norms around the need to manage risk and build resilience were repeatedly stressed as a source for optimism.

Future of Humanitarian Financing - discussion paper

Document Type
Other Product
Product Category
Humanitarian Financing
Published Date
Through its Task Team on Humanitarian Financing, members of the  Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC), led by a Steering Group of CAFOD, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) and WorldVision International,  initiated a 6 month research process to examine the Future of Humanitarian Financing (FHF).  The FHF process included a series of 5 regional cross-sectoral dialogue events in late 2014/early 2015 which brought together individuals together individuals from local and international civil society, UN agencies and funds, local and international bu

HFTT Meeting Minutes 18Feb2015

Document Type
Minutes/Meeting Notes
Published Date
Agenda1. Draft 'Future of Humanitarian Financing' report (CAFOD, FAO, WVI)2. Update from the Task Team on Principled Humanitarian Action and OCHA/FCS on risk studies3. Capacity assessments of implementing partners (ICVA)4. Studies on review of CERF (OCHA/CERF)5. Any other businessa. Update on Global Humanitarian Facility (OCHA/FCS)b. Workplan of the Pooled Fund Working Group (OCHA/FCS)c. Co-chair coverage (co-chairs)

IASC Newsletter - February 2015

Document Type
IASC Newsletter
Published Date
Click here to see the February 2015 edition of the IASC Newsletter.

GHD Workplan 2014-2016

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Published Date
Workplan for 2014-2016 of the Good Humanitarian Donorship initiative, revised in early 2015 under the co-chairmanship of Canada and the US

Coherence in Conflict - draft inception report

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Published Date
Danida has commissioned a study to examine reasons why humanitarian and development aid actors often provide assistance in the same contexts but work separately and often with different immediate objectives and strategies. The study seeks to identify opportunities for developing greater complementarity between the two types of assistance, with special focus on conflict-affected and fragile contexts. This draft inception report describes how the research team will fulfil the Terms of Reference (ToR) provided by Danida for the study.

Role: Create a New User Role

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