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IOM transition Center, Aden, Yemen, November 2018. A Somali group of "returnees" boarding a bus to take them to the port for repatriation to somalia later in the day.

IASC Pledge in support of the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) for the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

Document Type
IASC Statement
Product Category
Published Date
Pledge by members of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee on migrants affected by crises a. We will continue our efforts to protect humanitarian space and reject the politicization of aid for migrants in countries in crisis. b. We will collectively advocate for the rights, protection, and safety of all migrants, regardless of their migration status and at all stages of their journeys.
An illegible screenshot of IASC vision and strategy on PSEAH (decorative)

IASC Vision and Strategy: Protection from sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment (PSEAH) 2022−2026

Document Type
IASC Product
Product Category
Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
Published Date
Renewing their commitment to the joint responsibility to deliver on collective accountability, IASC Principals endorsed the IASC Strategy for Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment 2022-2026. The strategy proposes three commitments: Victim and Survivor Centered Approach, Change in Organizational Culture, Support country Capacity. 

Grand Bargain Self-Reporting Exercise 2021 - 2022

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
This year, 97% Signatories reported by the deadline for 2021 (62 out of 64 Signatories), which importantly demonstrates the commitment and engagement. The analysis of the findings from the self-reports will be published in the Grand Bargain Annual Independent Report 2022. The self-reporting exercise provides accountability towards the wider humanitarian community, beneficiaries and other stakeholders. It is also used as a starting point for the analysis provided by an independent annual report. 
Chart/Table, for Risk of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse. Divided into four main columns: Enabling Environment , Humanitarian Context, Operational Context, and Protective Environment.

Exploring an Evidence-Based Analysis of SEA Risk

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Published Date
This concept note describes an ongoing project to develop a tool that analyses the risk of SEA in countries with active international humanitarian operations to provide a common, shared, and informed basis for identifying SEA risks, and compare risk across countries and over time. A beta version of the model is planned for Q3 2022.