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Cover of the Toolkit for Partners, Investigating Allegations of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

Investigating Allegations of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse - A Toolkit for Partners

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This learning package, which consists of an online e-learning course and a resource kit, is one of the deliverables of the UN High Commissioner for Refugee´s IASC Championship on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment (September 2019 – December 2020), and closely aligns with his commitment to support partners and working jointly to enhance capacity and accountability.
Cover of GHO 2022. Young mother holding her baby. Text: $41 billion funding required, 274 million people in need, 183 million people targeted with aid

Global Humanitarian Overview 2022

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Published Date
In 2022, 274 million people will need humanitarian assistance and protection. This number is a significant increase from 235 million people a year ago, which was already the highest figure in decades.