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IASC, Addressing the Humanitarian Challenges of Climate Change Regional and National Perspectives, 2009

IASC Final Report Addressing the Humanitarian Challenges of Climate Change Regional and National Perspectives, 2009

Document Type
IASC Product
Product Category
Climate Change
Published Date
Climate change is one of humanity’s major global challenges in the 21st Century. It is altering the disaster risk profile of countries across the globe and threatens to overwhelm the current capacity of the humanitarian system to respond effectively by increasing hazards, vulnerabilities and response costs. Collective effort is required to help vulnerable communities and groups adapt to the growing threat of climate change.

IASC, Case Studies on Climate Change Adaptation - Addressing the Humanitarian Challenges of Climate Change, 2009

Document Type
IASC Product
Product Category
Climate Change
Published Date
Climate change is one of humanity’s major global challenges in the 21st Century. It is altering the disaster risk profile of countries across the globe and threatens to overwhelm the current capacity of the humanitarian system to respond effectively by increasing hazards, vulnerabilities and response costs. Collective effort is required to help vulnerable communities and groups adapt to the growing threat of climate change.
The thumbnail of the cover page of the ToRs for the HC, 2009. The text is too small to read.

IASC, Terms of Reference for the Humanitarian Coordinator, 2009

Document Type
IASC Product
Product Category
Field Coordination
Published Date
These terms of reference set out the role and responsibilities of the Humanitarian Coordinator, an individual designated to lead and coordinate the humanitarian response of IASC and other organisations in country with a view to ensuring that it is principles, timely, effective, and efficient, and contributes to longer-term recovery.