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IASC Guidance on Internal Displacement, Implementing the Collaborative Response to Situations of Internal Displacement. For UN Humanitarian and/or Resident Coordinators and Country Teams, 2004

Document Type
IASC Product
Product Category
Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)
Published Date
The international community is confronted with the monumental task of ensuring protection for persons forcibly uprooted from their homes by violent conflicts, gross violation of human rights and other traumatic events, but who remain within the borders of their own countries. They often suffer from severe deprivation, hardship and discrimination. The Representative of the Secretary-General on Internally Displaced Persons developed the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement to meet this challenge in the 1990s; they were then endorsed by the IASC.

Implementing the Collaborative Response to Situations of Internal Displacement. Guidance for UN Humanitarian and/or Resident Coordinators and Country Teams [IASC Policy Package on Internal Displacement]- French

Document Type
Product Category
Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)
Published Date
The international community is confronted with the monumental task of ensuring protection for persons forcibly uprooted from their homes by violent conflicts, gross violation of human rights and other traumatic events, but who remain within the borders of their own countries. They often suffer from severe deprivation, hardship and discrimination. The Representative of the Secretary-General on Internally Displaced Persons developed the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement to meet this challenge in the 1990s; they were then endorsed by the IASC.
Civil-Military Relationship in Complex Emergencies

IASC Reference Paper: Civil-Military Relationship in Complex Emergencies, 2004

Document Type
IASC Product
Product Category
Use of Military and Civil Defense Assets
Published Date
At a glance The paper serves as a non-binding reference for humanitarian practitioners to formulate country-specific operational guidelines on civil-military relations for particular complex emergencies.