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IASC Guidance for CAP Project Selection and Prioritisation

IASC Guidance for CAP Project Selection and Prioritisation, 2004

Document Type
IASC Product
Product Category
Consolidated Appeals Process (CAP)
Published Date
To strengthen coordinated humanitarian response and to convince donors to give generously and according to needs and priorities, the humanitarian community developed a Consolidated Appeal (CAP) to respond to a specific crisis. A consolidated appeal document is produced once a year for major on-going emergencies. The following Guidance, endorsed by the IASC Working Group in 2004, addresses the issue of prioritisation and selection, which refers to the process of focusing the collective efforts of the humanitarian community on the most urgent assistance and protection needs in a crisis.

IASC, Procedural Steps for Developing an Internally Displaced Persons Response Strategy, 2004

Document Type
IASC Product
Product Category
Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)
Published Date
Based on humanitarian risk analysis and/or early warning assessments, Country Teams and Humanitarian Coordinators (HCs)/Resident Coordinators (RCs) need to be aware of all factors that could potentially lead to displacement or cause a change in an existing crisis of internal displacement. Pursuant to existing policy, all Country Teams in countries experiencing internal displacement should have in place a comprehensive strategic action plan for meeting the protection and assistance needs of internally displaced persons (IDPs).

IASC, Frequently Asked Questions on International Humanitarian, Human Rights and Refugee Law in the Context of Armed Conflict, 2004

Document Type
Product Category
Human Rights
Published Date
This document seeks to respond to questions commonly asked by humanitarian workers. The questions are on the legal framework that serves as a basis for assistance and protection activities in situations of armed conflict. It sets out the relevant international instruments and offers examples of their provisions and application.The list responds to questions, such as: