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Consolidated Appeal Process Guidelines

IASC Consolidated Appeal Process Guidelines, 1994

Document Type
IASC Product
Product Category
Consolidated Appeals Process (CAP)
Published Date
To strengthen coordinated humanitarian response and to convince donors to give generously and according to needs and priorities, the humanitarian community develops a Consolidated Appeal (CAP) to respond to a specific crisis. A consolidated appeal document is produced once a year for major on-going emergencies. Flash Appeals are usually issued in response to new crises.

IASC Statement on Somalia & Transmittal Letter from the Secretary-General to the Security Council, Statement of Intent for UN Agencies Operating in Somalia, 1994

Document Type
IASC Statement
Product Category
Published Date
During the 1992/1993 humanitarian emergency in Somalia, hundreds of thousands of lives were saved thanks to the massive relief operations undertaken by United Nations organisations, intergovernmental organisations under the security protection of Unified Task Force (UNITAF) and United Nations Operation in Somalia (UNOSOM) forces. The United Nations organisations working in Somalia reconfirm their commitment to continue to the maximum extent possible emergency and rehabilitation activities even beyond the expiration of the UNOSOM mandate.