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WFP Grand Bargain Update 2019

Document Type
Published Date
This update highlights key actions taken by WFP on the Grand Bargain core commitments since their update in January 2018.

DRAFT Key Messages on the Humanitarian-Development Nexus and its Links to Peace

Document Type
Published Date
This draft document was developed under the leadership of the IASC Task Team on Strengthening the Humanitarian-Development Nexus and the United Nations Sustainable Development Group. The IASC’s Results Group 4 on Humanitarian-Development Collaboration is working to finalize this document. 

Summary of the IASC Principals Meeting, 29 May 2019

Document Type
Minutes/Meeting Notes
Published Date
The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) is the longest-standing and highest-level humanitarian coordination forum of the United Nations system that brings together 19 Principals of United Nations and non-United Nations entities to ensure coherence of efforts, formulate policy, and discuss priorities for strengthened humanitarian action. It facilitates the leadership role of the United Nations Secretary-General by meeting regularly to ensure better preparation for, as well as rapid and coherent response to, humanitarian crises.

Priority Areas of Work for the IASC Results Groups, May-December 2019

Document Type
Work Plans and Progress Reports
Published Date
This note lays out the agreed Priority Areas of Work for the IASC Results Groups covering the period May-December 2019. Please note that the priority areas of action for Results Groups 2 and 5 remain a work in progress.
The thumbnail cover page of the PSEA Good Practices 2019. The text is too small to read.

Summary of IASC Good Practices: Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment and Abuse of Aid Workers, 2019

Document Type
IASC Product
Product Category
Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
Published Date
This paper summarizes actions undertaken by IASC members to protect from and respond to sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) and sexual harassment and abuse (SHA). It reflects updated information from IASC partners, complementing the 31 May 2018 review of IASC Good Practices. Actions have been grouped according to the strategy endorsed by the IASC in December 2018, which identifies priorities under three main objectives.