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Cover of the IASC Statement on PSEA

Statement by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment

Document Type
IASC Statement
Product Category
Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
Published Date
This statement affirms the commitment of the IASC Principals to actively prevent and respond to sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment by humanitarian workers, and the role of Humanitarian Coordinators and Humanitarian Country Teams to implement PSEA commitments in all response operations.1

IASC Humanitarian System-Wide Scale-Up Activations and Deactivations

Published Date
The IASC Humanitarian System-Wide Scale-Up Protocols are a set of internal measures designed to critically enhance the humanitarian response in view of drastically increasing humanitarian needs and to ensure that IASC member organizations and partners can rapidly mobilize the necessary operational capacities and resources to respond to critical humanitarian needs on the ground.