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IASC Discussion Paper: Exploring the linkages between AAP, Localisation and the HDP Nexus

Document Type
Product Category
Accountability to Affected Populations
Published Date
Against the backdrop of growth in the frequency, complexity and scale of humanitarian crises, declining funding, and questions of efficiency and effectiveness,  it is becoming increasingly clear that fundamental change is required to reform the humanitarian system .
Cover, IASC Guidance Note, Advancing the humanitarian-development-peace nexus approach through IASC global clusters

IASC Guidance Note : Advancing the humanitarian-development-peace nexus approach through IASC global clusters

Document Type
IASC Product
Product Category
Humanitarian-Development Nexus
Published Date
Intended to support cluster coordinators, the document aims to facilitate the proactive design of responses that foster coherence and complementarity between lifesaving, development, and peace interventions towards collective outcomes. This requires collaborative, joint or joined-up analysis, planning and programming, as well as coordination with development and peace actors under the leadership of the RC/HC.

Template: Survey on the delivery of basic social services by humanitarians in fragile and conflict-affected settings

Document Type
Published Date
The IASC Operational Policy and Advocacy Group tasked IASC Task Force (TF) 4 on Humanitarian and Development and Peace Collaboration to identify implications and map lessons learned and good practices on when, and how, humanitarian organizations have contributed to the delivery of Basic Social Services (BSS), where national authorities and supporting development actors have been unable or limited in th