News of The Grand Bargain (Official website)

Harmonizing Reporting Pilot "a significant improvement over existing donor templates"

Published Date
This review report details the results of the ‘Harmonizing Reporting Pilot’ and the experience of donors and partners with the harmonized reporting template, also called ‘8+3 template’. Piloting the harmonized reporting template for the last two years showed that most users view the new template as a significant improvement over existing donor templates, because it simplifies and standardizes the narrative reporting process considerably.

Collaborative learning on localisation from Grand Bargain Signatories through the Charter for Change

Published Date
CAFOD, CARE International, CRS, Christian Aid, DanChurchAid and OXFAM are all Grand Bargain Signatories collaborating together with local partner NGOs through the Charter for Change (C4C) coalition to support Grand Bargain workstream 2 efforts on localisation. Charter for Change is also endorsed by and benefits from the participation and advice of Grand Bargain Signatory NEAR and many of NEAR’s member agencies. Until now, the C4C is signed by 35 international organisations and endorsed by 234 local NGOs.

Workstream 5: Strengthening joint humanitarian-development needs assessments and analysis

Published Date
As part of the Grand Bargain Needs Assessments workstream, ECHO and OCHA in collaboration with the World Bank convened a Workshop on 21-22 May 2019 with the workstream partners to discuss experiences with joint humanitarian-development-peace needs assessments and analysis, identify factors enabling success, challenges, and steps that could be taken to strengthen joint analysis. Please find below: Joint Humanitarian Development Analysis Workshop 19-20 May 2019 Summary Report Key Messages for Senior Management on Joint Humanitarian Development Analysis

Update on supporting survivor-led responses, July 2019

Published Date
DanChurchAid, Christian Aid, ACT Sweden and Local to Global Protection’s Survivor and Community Led Response (SCLR) approaches aspire to bring together the cash, localisation, nexus and participation agendas of the Grand Bargain.

15 NGOs endorse global collaboration for greater efficiency and effectiveness in cash programming

Published Date
In 2016, the Grand Bargain gave momentum to a joint NGO effort to advance theglobal commitments on cash-based humanitarian assistance. The outcome of that effort was the creation of the Collaborative Cash Delivery (CCD) Network. With the Grand Bargain entering its fourth year, the NGO community has reflected on how we can program higher quality assistance more quickly, effectively and inclusive of the inputs of people affected by crises. The Grand Bargain commitments provide a framework for us to have this conversation.

The Grand Bargain Annual Meeting 2019 shows renewed commitment by Signatories

Published Date
More than 100 representatives of the Grand Bargain Signatories gathered in Geneva at the Annual Meeting on 27 June 2019 to agree on how to scale-up progress and decide how to address challenges in order to maximize our collective impact for people affected by crises and disasters. An outcome document will be published in early August, but in the mean time, find a short summary and materials from the meeting below. 

Third Grand Bargain Cash Workstream workshop - co-conveners report

Published Date
The third Grand Bargain (GB) Cash Workstream workshop was held at WFP Headquarters in Rome on 16-17 May 2019, hosted by WFP and DFID. Over 85 participants attended the workshop, representing 60 donor and humanitarian organisations and multilateral agencies, and including representatives from the global clusters, research institutes and specialist agencies and organisations.

A feminist exploration of women-led localisation in the Central Sulawesi response

Published Date
In September 2018, a series of powerful earthquakes struck the Central Sulawesi Province of Indonesia. In partnership with local women and women-led organisations, ActionAid undertook a qualitative feminist research study to understand, within the unique parameters of the Central Sulawesi response, the challenges and opportunities for women-led localisation.

Workstream 5: Tools and guidance for advancing coordinated needs assessment and analysis through the Grand Bargain

Published Date
Workstream 5 (Improve joint and impartial needs assessments), co-convened by ECHO and OCHA, has produced a package of tools and guidance which reflects some of their work to date. These tools and guidance, when accompanied by sufficient and appropriate capacity, will contribute to advancing coordinated needs assessment and analysis through the Grand Bargain.   The documents include: 1. The Grand Bargain Principles for Collaborative Needs Assessment Ethos 2. Quality criteria for multi sectoral needs assessments and analysis