News of The Grand Bargain (Official website)

qf critical mass

Quality funding: How to reach critical mass - June 2020

Published Date
Quality funding is a fundamental enabler of many aspects of the Grand Bargain, including localisation, participation, working across the nexus, and enhanced efficiency and effectiveness (ODI, 2019; ODI, 2020).

Charter4Change: A Synopsis of Grand Bargain Signatories’ Achievements and Challenges Implementing their Grand Bargain Workstream 2 Commitments on Localisation

Published Date
Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in the Charter4Change coalition and Accelerating Localisation Through Partnership consortium collaborated on an analysis of reports against the Localisation Workstream provided by the wider range of Grand Bargain signatories. They highlight 5 examples of good or promising practice that might be built upon; they then note 5 continuing challenges. Finally, they suggest 6 recommendations on ways forward.

Strengthening data-driven transparency in response to Covid-19

Published Date
Liz Steele and Mark Brough share DI's experience of developing a new Covid-19 data visualisation, including incentives for organisations to improve the quality of the data they are publishing. The Grand Bargain recognised that greater data-driven transparency is essential for building trust, improving the visibility and accountability of donors and aid organisations and enabling a more coordinated and effective response towards affected populations.
covid data tool

New Covid-19 funding data visualisation launched

Published Date
The World Bank Group and the Netherlands today launched a new prototype tool to visualise data on the international response to Covid-19. The tool has been developed by Development Initiatives as part of the Grand Bargain’s transparency workstream.