News of The Grand Bargain (Official website)

Workstream 5: Tools and guidance for advancing coordinated needs assessment and analysis through the Grand Bargain

Published Date
Workstream 5 (Improve joint and impartial needs assessments), co-convened by ECHO and OCHA, has produced a package of tools and guidance which reflects some of their work to date. These tools and guidance, when accompanied by sufficient and appropriate capacity, will contribute to advancing coordinated needs assessment and analysis through the Grand Bargain.   The documents include: 1. The Grand Bargain Principles for Collaborative Needs Assessment Ethos 2. Quality criteria for multi sectoral needs assessments and analysis

Lessons from connecting IATI And FTS

Published Date
On 13-14 May, the Centre for Humanitarian Data and Development Initiatives will co-host a workshop on transparency, information sharing and data. The participants represent organizations that have committed to the Grand Bargain, an agreement between humanitarian donors and aid agencies focused on greater financial transparency and simplified reporting requirements.

Quotes of the week

Published Date
Quote of the week, 6 July 2020 Author: Grand Bargain Annual Independent Report 2020: 

Grand Bargain Annual Meetings - Archive

Published Date
Grand Bargain Signatories come together every year for an Annual Meeting. Please see below the outcome notes and other supporting documents. Annual Meeting 2022 Annual Meeting 2021

Grand Bargain Annual Independent Reports and Self-report - Archive

Published Date
Each Grand Bargain Signatory is invited to report annually on its progress to advance and implement the commitments of the Grand Bargain. The self-reporting exercise provides accountability towards the wider humanitarian community, beneficiaries and other stakeholders. It is also used as a starting point for the analysis provided by an independent annual report. This report assesses the progress of each workstream, and of the overall Grand Bargain initiative. 

Grand Bargain web-page hosted by the IASC

Published Date
Please note that the IASC website will be hosting the Grand Bargain web-page.This arrangement has been agreed to by the Grand Bargain Facilitation Group.

Workstream 2 (More support and funding tools for local and national responders) - New Co-convenor, bringing the Grand Bargain from Geneva to Goma - March 2022 Update

New workstream 2 Co-convenor Denmark has formally accepted the invitation to be the new Co-convener of the Localisation Workstream (WS2) following the decision of Switzerland to step down from this role. Denmark’s commitment to the localisation agenda is reflected among others in its Strategic Partnership’s emphasis on partnership and local leadership approach.