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Draft: IASC Guidelines on Disability Inclusion, Gender-Based Violence Key Elements, 2018

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Published Date
Please note: This section (on GBV must do's) is an extract from the wider IASC Guidelines on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action currently undergoing review and is in DRAFT FORM as a basis for discussions on plans to pilot and not yet validated. Please do not share widely.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

IASC Guidelines on Disability Inclusion, Gender-Based Violence Piloting Concept Note, 2018

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Published Date
Call for Concept Notes by WRC:The development of IASC Disability Guidelines marks a significant step in advancing accountability for the inclusion of persons with disabilities within the inter-agency coordination mechanism. Ensuring non-discrimination requires that such guidelines be gender-sensitive, as well as relevant and appropriate to GBV actors working in humanitarian settings globally.

Video documentary of Gender-Based Violence Consultations, 2018

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Published Date
The link below leads to a short video documentary about the GBV and Gender Actors consultation workshop held in Bangkok on 9th May (conducted by STEP in partnership with WRC, South Asia Disability Forum, UNFPA and International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). The documentary covers the consultation, as well as short messages from gender and humanitarian experts and the context of the region. 

PSEA-focused Task Team Meeting Presentation, 2018

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Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
Published Date
This presentation was shown at the IASC Task Team on Accountability to Affected Populations and Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (AAP/PSEA) Meeting on 30th August 2018.It follows the agenda:Aim of Meeting (TT Coordinator)Update on UN Protocol on SEA Allegations Involving Implementing Partners (UNICEF)Update on Uniform Protocol on the Provision of Assistance to Victims of SEA (UNICEF)Update on Uniform Policy on Balancing Disclosure of Information and Principles of Confidentiality (OHCHR)AOB