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IASC Task Team on Accountability to Affected Populations and Protection from sexual Exploitation and Abuse, Meeting Presentation, 2017

Document Type
Other Product
Product Category
Accountability to Affected Populations
Published Date
The presentation from the IASC AAP/PSEA Task Team's 22nd June 2017 meeting. Agenda points covered;Introduction of the new coordinatorUpdate on the Grand Bargain participation revolution (Kate Half) (2.2)Debrief on the CDAC Bangkok conference and new CDAC policy (Marian Casey-Maslen) (2.1)Update on the Common Service (Charles-Antoine Hofmann) (2.1)Update on the roll out of the CBCM training (Alexandra Hileman) (3.4)AOB

Review of the Impact of UN Integration on Humanitarian Action, 2015

Document Type
Other Product
Product Category
Principled Humanitarian Action
Published Date
At the direction of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Principals, the IASC Task Team on Revitalizing Principled Humanitarian Action conducted a review of the impact of United Nations (UN) integration on humanitarian action. The review covered all applicable 18 integrated settings—defined as settings where a UN Country Team (UNCT) coexists with a UN peacekeeping operation (PKO) or special political mission (SPM).

Guidance on Humanitarian Organizations' Participation in Military Events, 2017

Document Type
Other Product
Product Category
Use of Military and Civil Defense Assets
Published Date
This guidance note aims to assist humanitarian actors in determining in which military events to participate. It sets out the type of events humanitarian actors are often invited to, the potential benefits and challenges of participation, and suggests criteria for assessing when and under what conditions to attend.

UN Civil-Military Coordination, Discussion Paper on Humanitarian Interaction with National Militaries, 2017

Document Type
Other Product
Product Category
Use of Military and Civil Defense Assets
Published Date
The humanitarian community’s engagement with governments will almost always include interaction with national militaries. The level and degree of interaction will largely be dependent on the type of mission the military performs. In most natural hazard-prone countries, national militaries act as the primary arm of the government, tasked to immediately respond to the humanitarian impact of natural disasters. National militaries offer distinct capability, can rapidly mobilize and deploy, and fill capacity gaps as needed.