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IASC Product Guideline, 2017

Document Type
Published Date
This guide has been developed at the request of the IASC Working Group to ensure that IASC Products are high quality, well targeted, widely distributed, and effectively implemented.  It provides tips and advice on the development, publication and distribution of IASC products with the aim of increasing their relevance and use in the field.It targets those intending to develop IASC products; authors or expert groups - the â€˜product originators’.

IOM Operations on Internal Displacement, 2017

Document Type
Other Product
Product Category
Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)
Published Date
This document provides practical examples of ongoing or recent activities of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) related to internal displacement. 1 In line with the internationally recognized Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement (1998), IOM’s operational objectives are to: a) Bolster preparedness, resilience-building and address the root causes of displacement; b) Provide protection and assistance through timely and effective humanitarian responses; and c) Support and pursue durable solutions and sustainable recovery.