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Featured Announcements

Published Date
About Featured AnnouncementsFeatured Announcements are stories which have been flagged via one of Display on Home or Special flags. This list can be viewed at: currently have a max limit of 10 nodes.How it works:

Search Engine Results

Published Date
Notes from the email on search engine ranking from Emma to the IASC.

Section: Templates

Published Date
What is a "Section"?A section is used to group types of content together. On the IASC website, sections are used for: Meetings, Documents, and News in each of the Spaces. This content is further subdivided according to the access groups: Public, Donor, and IASC.Choosing Display ItemsYou may change what is displayed on each of the section "home pages".

Spaces: Templates

Published Date
Choosing Display ItemsYou may change what is displayed on each of the Space "home pages".

Editing the home page

Published Date
The home page of the IASC website is a collection of objects which are assembled into a page using the module Panels. There are several types of content included:

Training Guide

Published Date
This document was originally created by Phase2 to assist the IASC team in making the transition from their old website to the new one. As iterations are made on how this site is structured, this document will become out of date.

Training Guide

Published Date
This document was originally created by Phase2 to assist the IASC team in making the transition from their old website to the new one. As iterations are made on how this site is structured, this document will become out of date.

Group Logins

Published Date
Group accounts are quite different to the way administrator accounts are setup. They are designed to be shared amongst several individuals. For the launch of the site, the old passwords as were used for these new accounts. They are listed at the bottom for your reference, but will become out-of-date as the website grows.To log into a group account, people will need to complete the following steps: