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Consolidated Appeal Guidelines 2010

Document Type
Other Product
Product Category
Consolidated Appeals Process (CAP)
Published Date
To strengthen coordinated humanitarian response and to convince donors to give generously and according to needs and priorities, the humanitarian community develops a Consolidated Appeal (CAP) to respond to a specific crisis. A consolidated appeal document is produced once a year for major on-going emergencies. Flash Appeals are usually issued in response to new crises.
Decision Tree Diagrams on Factors Affecting Choice of Fuel Strategy in Humanitarian Settings

IASC, Decision Tree Diagrams on Factors Affecting Choice of Fuel Strategy in Humanitarian Settings, 2009

Document Type
IASC Product
Product Category
Safe Access to Firewood and Alternative Energy
Published Date
The tree diagram provides practical guidance on developing effective, holistic coordination and response mechanisms for the collection, supply and use of household energy in humanitarian settings. The diagrams present a clear means of determining which factors should influence the choice of fuel strategy in an individual setting. It is based on simple responses to a series of questions about local priorities, access, availability, etc.

IASC, Matrix on Agency Roles and Responsibilities for Ensuring a Coordinated Multi-Sectoral Fuel Strategy in Humanitarian Settings, 2009

Document Type
IASC Product
Product Category
Safe Access to Firewood and Alternative Energy
Published Date
The collection, supply and/or use of firewood and alternative energy are multi-sectoral issues, as are the consequences thereof, such as rape, murder, environmental degradation and indoor air pollution. The challenge cannot be effectively addressed by a singularly-mandated agency or cluster acting alone. The goal is to provide a practical tool for determining the priority activities to be undertaken in the development of an effective, multi-sectoral fuel strategy.