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2021 Grand Bargain Workstream 6 Strategy Update

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
Ahead of the Grand Bargain Annual Meeting 2021, the Signatories endorsed the Framework and the annexes for the Grand Bargain 2.0. In addition to existing workstreams, a new structure element was introduced – political caucuses, which will be focusing on specific strategic issues in an ad hoc manner, with clear objectives and a limited timeframe.

Inter-Agency Humanitarian Evaluation of Yemen Crisis, Inception Report, August 2021

Document Type
Published Date
The Inter-Agency Humanitarian Evaluation (IAHE) of Yemen is an independent assessment of the results of the collective humanitarian response by member organisations of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC). IAHEs evaluate the extent to which planned collective results have been achieved.

In-country PSEA Network, Generic Terms of Reference (ToRs), 2021

Document Type
IASC Product
Product Category
Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
Published Date
These generic ToRs are intended to serve as a useful guide for HCs/RCs/HCT that do not already have their own internal TORs for a PSEA Network, and are to be contextualised based on practical needs and realities on the ground, in-country PSEA developments, and internal policy and practice of Network members.

In-country PSEA Focal Point, Generic Terms of Reference (ToRs), 2021

Document Type
IASC Product
Product Category
Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
Published Date
These generic ToRs are intended to serve as a useful guide for organizations that do not already have their own internal TORs for PSEA Focal Points, and are to be adapted as needed to the organizational and operational context.

In-country PSEA Coordinator, Generic Terms of Reference (ToRs), 2021

Document Type
IASC Product
Product Category
Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
Published Date
These generic ToRs are intended to serve as a useful guide for organizations that do not already have their own internal TORs for PSEA Coordinators and are to be adapted as needed based on practical needs and realities in the context, and in-country PSEA developments already in place.

Statement by Principals of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee on Afghanistan

Document Type
IASC Statement
Published Date
The people of Afghanistan need our support now more than ever. Our organizations are committed to helping and protecting them. We will stay in Afghanistan and we will deliver. At the start of 2021, half the population of Afghanistan – including more than 4 million women and nearly 10 million children – already needed humanitarian assistance. One third of the population was facing crisis and emergency levels of acute food insecurity and more than half of all children under 5 years of age were malnourished.