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IASC Results Group 5 Key Advocacy Messages on Nexus Financing, July 2021

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Published Date
In line with the RG5 scoping paper on financing across the nexus, this set of advocacy messages aims to stimulate a dialogue with actors across the nexus, particularly development partners, in the spirit of working collaboratively with them to take this agenda forward, including through the work of fora such as the GHD, INCAF and the OECD2. The messages are complemented by a preliminary communication plan outlining where and when the messages could be amplified
a number of people sitting together in a circle on the ground and one speaker sitting on a chair in front of them .. there isa tree in the background

Note on IASC Coordination Structures at Country Level in 2020

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Published Date
The note maps 2020 data on IASC coordination structures and processes, capacities, and alignment with IASC coordination requirements across 28 humanitarian operations. It includes information on Humanitarian Country Teams (HCTs), clusters/sectors, Inter-Cluster Coordination Groups and issues such as HCT Protection Strategies, Accountability to Affected People (AAP), Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA), Gender-Based Violence (GBV), Localization and Humanitarian-Development Collaboration.  

Grand Bargain Annual Meeting 2021 - Summary Note

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Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
Five years after the Grand Bargain was launched, the Signatories met for a virtual Annual Meeting on 15 and 16 June 2021 to acknowledge progress made and to ensure a commitment to the Grand Bargain 2.0.

Dr. Natalia Kanem, Executive Director, 2021-2022 Priorities and Initiatives as IASC Champion on Protection from SEA and SH (EN,ESP,FR)

Document Type
Work Plans and Progress Reports
Product Category
Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
Published Date
In January 2021, UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem assumed the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Championship on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment (PSEAH) taking over this role from Mr. Filippo Grandi, UN High Commissioner for Refugees.
Cover of the IASC guidance on Strengthening Participation, Representation and Leadership of Local and National Actors in IASC Humanitarian Coordination Mechanisms

IASC Guidance on Strengthening Participation, Representation and Leadership of Local and National Actors in IASC Humanitarian Coordination Mechanisms

Document Type
IASC Product
Product Category
Published Date
For HCs, HCTs, Cluster and Inter-Cluster Coordination Groups, and other Related Task Forces and Working Groups. This guidance note has been developed to support efforts to strengthen the meaningful participation, representation, and leadership of local and national humanitarian actors (L/NAs) within IASC humanitarian coordination structures. It draws on over 100 pieces of research and good practice to provide recommendations on how L/NAs can be an integral part of humanitarian coordination structures.
ProCap and GenCap Appeal for 2021-2022

ProCap and GenCap Appeal 2021-2022

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Published Date
The inter-agency Protection Standby Capacity Project (ProCap) and Gender Standby Capacity Project (GenCap) envision a world in which all people affected by humanitarian crises are protected and humanitarian action prioritizes gender equality.

Multi-Stakeholder Senior Officials Meeting: Advancing Quality Funding Through Grand Bargain 2.0

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
On Wednesday, June 2, 2021, the Grand Bargain Enhanced Quality Funding Workstream (7&8), with the support of the Eminent Person’s Office, the Facilitation Group, and the Grand Bargain Secretariat, convened a closed-door senior-level meeting of key signatories to discuss the advancement of the quality funding agenda, as one of the two enabling priorities in the next iteration of the Grand Bargain.