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Final Report, Collective Accountability to Affected People Workshop with Resident/Humanitarian Coordinators, June 2021

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To maximize on the renewed momentum and focus on AAP, a number of Resident and Humanitarian Coordinators (RC/HCs) convened in a virtual workshop to: (a) identify the critical barriers in the system’s ability to deliver system-wide AAP, (b) agree on the “gold standard” that the system should work towards, and (c) propose concrete practical steps to make the required progress, by drawing on some best practices and reflecting on the evolving challenges that would need to be addressed to facilitate the required step change in AAP.

The Netherlands and ICRC Statement on Risk Sharing

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Grand Bargain
Published Date
Statement from the ICRC and the Netherlands on sharing of risks to support the implementation of the Grand Bargain 2.0 commitments. The Statement proposes specific actions to help Signatories and collective initiatives to move towards actual sharing of risks.

Inter-Agency Gender Standby Capacity Project, 2020 Annual Report

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The Gender Standby Capacity Project (GenCap)is an Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) initiative that was established in 2007. Its mission is to strengthen inter-agency capacity and leadership to deliver on commitments to gender equality and women’s empowerment in humanitarian action. 

Inter-Agency Protection Standby Capacity Project, 2020 Annual Report

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The Protection Standby Capacity Project (ProCap)is an inter-agency initiative established in 2005. Its mission is to strengthen inter-agency capacity and leadership to ensure that protection is central to humanitarian action. 
financing gap

Reducing the humanitarian financing gap: review of progress since the report of the High-Level Panel on Humanitarian Financing

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Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
In January 2016, the United Nations Secretary-General’s High-Level Panel on Humanitarian Financing (HLP) published its report Too important to fail – addressing the humanitarian financing gap, which formed the basis for the Grand Bargain negotiations in early 2016. Besides the Grand Bargain, the HLP made recommendations under two other pillars:

ActionAid Policy Brief “Bargaining for Better: Bringing a Feminist Lens to the Grand Bargain 2.0”

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Grand Bargain
Published Date
ActionAid has collaborated with over twenty WROs and WLOs partners in 10 countries to gather their thoughts and perspectives on how to shape and implement the Grand Bargain 2.0 so that it is more effective for women and girls. The attached policy brief compiles the findings and through their collective voices has developed key recommendations for the implementation and future of the Grand Bargain 2.0.