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screenshot of the IASC official cover page showing the title in red

IASC Gender Accountability Framework Report 2019

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IASC Product
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Published Date
The 2019 Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Gender Accountability Framework (AF) report marks the second monitoring cycle of the IASC’s 2017 Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and Girls in Humanitarian Action Policy. It provides a snapshot of the IASC’s output in the calendar year 2019 and allows for cross comparison with the baseline est

Moving from commitments to action in Philippines 5 years since the World Humanitarian Summit

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Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
As part of its commitment as the 63rd signatory of the Grand Bargain, the Alliance for Empowering Partnership (A4EP) committed to support two country-level dialogues in collaborative process with its members in the Philippines and Jordan. In the Philippines, the Ecosystems Work for Essential Benefits ECOWEB is taking the lead in the process in collaboration with the UN OCHA, OXFAM Philippines and A4EP and with support from the UN Resident Coordinator.

Gender-Based Violence Accountability Framework

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Published Date
Humanitarian actors at all levels need to better prioritize gender-based violence (GBV) in order to create and implement scaled-up responses that better address women's and girls' rights and needs. The GBV Accountability Framework provides a guide for humanitarian actors, from service providers to GBV coordinators and humanitarian leaders and donors, on the steps they can take to combat GBV within their mandates.

IASC Promising Practices on Organizational Culture Change, May 2021

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Published Date
This collection of innovative and practical initiatives demonstrates the importance of and the seriousness with which we must take the link between what is tolerated within an organization’s culture and the kind of abuse of power and authority that leads to sexual misconduct.

Filippo Grandi: IASC Championship on Protection From Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment, Sep 2019-Dec 2020

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Published Date
As the 2020 Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Champion on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) and Sexual Harassment (SH), High Commissioner Filippo Grandi outlined three main priority areas to deliver on during his tenure: Bolstering Prevention, Expanding Safe Spaces, and Promoting Respectful Use of Authority.