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Summary Record of IASC Results Group 5 Meeting, 24 November 2020

Document Type
Minutes/Meeting Notes
Published Date
IASC Results Group 5 on Humanitarian Financing met on 24 November 2020 to discuss (i) localization, including in terms of funding to local partners; (ii) update on the RG5 workplan; (iii) debrief on the webinar between the RG5 and the GHD; and (iv) funding flexibility.

Summary Record of IASC Results Group 5 Meeting, 12 January 2021

Document Type
Minutes/Meeting Notes
Published Date
IASC Results Group 5 on Humanitarian Financing met on 12 January 2021 to discuss (i) action points from the December RG5 meeting; (ii) Conversation with GB workstream 7/8 co-convenors on quality funding and complementary activities; (iii) 2021 RG5 workplan.

Summary Record of IASC Results Group 5 Meeting, 9 February 2021

Document Type
Minutes/Meeting Notes
Published Date
IASC Results Group 5 on Humanitarian Financing met on 9 February 2021 to discuss (i) action points from the January RG5 meeting; (ii) conversion of RG5 flexibility measures guidance into standard practice beyond June 2021 and irrespective of COVID-19 context; (iii) outcome of nexus financing sub-group meeting in January; iv) way forward on annotated bibliography on RG5 members’ visibility efforts regarding quality, incl. unearmarked funding.

IASC Results Group 5 on Humanitarian Financing- Reports enhancing the visibility of flexible funding/ Annotated bibliography

Document Type
Published Date
In the context of global economic downturn and uncertainty created by COVID-19, there is a continuous demand from donors for humanitarian actors to provide greater transparency, visibility, and strong evidence on the added value of flexible funding. The annotated bibliography seeks to provide a catalogue of reports for policymakers and practitioners, both Grand Bargain signatories and non-signatories, with examples of how different organizations provide visibility of humanitarian flexible funding and report on its impact on the ground.
Strategy: IASC Championship Role

Strategy: Protection from and Response to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment, 2021

Document Type
IASC Product
Product Category
Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
Published Date
The IASC Champions support the vision of a humanitarian environment in which people caught up in crises feel safe and respected and can access the protection and assistance they need without fear of exploitation or abuse by any aid worker, and in which aid workers themselves feel supported, respected and empowered to deliver such assistance in working environments free from sexual harassment.
Cover - LEADING AN EMERGENCY RESPONSE: A Concise Guide for the UN Resident Coordinator

LEADING AN EMERGENCY RESPONSE: A Concise Guide for the UN Resident Coordinator

Document Type
Product Category
Field Coordination
Published Date
The UN Resident Coordinator (RC), when called upon to lead and coordinate an emergency response, is ultimately accountable in his/her humanitarian role to the populations in need – whether designated as a Humanitarian Coordinator or not. This supplementary guide outlines actions to take at the onset of an emergency – whether it be a natural disaster, an escalation of conflict or a rapid deterioration in humanitarian conditions – and serves as a reminder of actions and events to anticipate during the response.