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Summary Record, IASC OPAG virtual meeting, 19 June 2020

Document Type
Minutes/Meeting Notes
Published Date
The Operational Policy and Advocacy Group (OPAG) of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) held the sixth session of its third regular meeting on 19 June 2020. The primary objectives of this session was to (i) follow up on the previous discussion around how best to leverage new opportunities created in light of the pandemic to speed up localization efforts; and (ii) discuss the shared responsibility around duty of care for all humanitarian workers, including national staff, particularly from a prevention vantage point.  
light guidance on collective outcomes

UN-IASC Light Guidance on Collective Outcomes

Document Type
IASC Product
Product Category
Humanitarian-Development Nexus
Published Date
This light guidance was developed by WHO and UNHCR on behalf of the IASC Results Group 4 on Humanitarian-Development Collaboration and in consultation with the UN Joint Steering Committee to Advance Humanitarian and Development Collaboration (JSC). It is to be a live document meant to ensure a common understanding of analysis, funding and financial strategies and effective coordination initiatives. It highlights key steps and questions that should be answered during the process of creating and delivering context-specific collective outcomes.
PSEA Checklist

Checklist to Protect from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse during COVID-19

Document Type
IASC Product
Product Category
Published Date
This checklist is to accompany the full Interim Technical Note on Protection form Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) during COVIID-19 Response. The authoring bodies are: CHS Alliance, InterAction, IOM, Oxfam, UNFPA, UNHCR, UNICEF, OCHA, WFP, WHO, and the UN Victims’ Rights Advocate in consultation with other IASC members.
icrc QF

The Added Value of Flexible Funding to the ICRC - June 2020

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
As the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) states in its Institutional Strategy 2019–2022, the human cost, direct and indirect, exacted by armed conflict and other situations of violenc
qf critical mass

Quality funding: How to reach critical mass, June 2020

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
Quality funding is a fundamental enabler of many aspects of the Grand Bargain, including localisation, participation, working across the nexus, and enhanced efficiency and effectiveness (ODI, 2019; ODI, 2020).