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The Triple Nexus and Local Faith Actors in South Sudan

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
Dan Church Aid (DCA), in cooperation with the ACT Alliance and Joint Learning Initiative, comissioned a study to explore how do DCA’s local faith actor partners in South Sudan operationalize a Triple Nexus approach to humanitarian, development, and peace activities, and what barriers do they face

UN Resident Coordinator Generic Job Description

Product Category
Humanitarian Leadership Strengthening Section (HLSS)
Published Date
The Resident Coordinator system (RCS) encompasses all organisations of the United Nations system (UNS) dealing with operational activities for development at country level regardless of their formal presence.

Pathways to Localisation: for partnership-based humanitarian action

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
The ECHO-funded Accelerating Localisation through Partnerships consortium, including Grand Bargain Signatories Christian Aid, CARE, Action Aid, CAFOD and Oxfam released a new paper Pathways to Localisation: A framework towards locally led humanitarian response in partnership-based action. It outlines 8 priority actions for partnership-based humanitarian action, and 5 actions for an enabling environment, for locally-led humanitarian action.