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Financing the nexus

Financing the nexus gaps and opportunities from a field perspective

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
The humanitarian and development sectors have been aiming to increase collaboration to meet immediate humanitarian needs whilst strengthening community resilience and preparedness, and contributing to sustainable development and sustained peace. But has this been matched with flexible, multi-year and predictable funding at the operational level?

A feminist exploration of women-led localisation in the Central Sulawesi response

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
In September 2018, a series of powerful earthquakes struck the Central Sulawesi Province of Indonesia. In partnership with local women and women-led organisations, ActionAid undertook a qualitative feminist research study to understand, within the unique parameters of the Central Sulawesi response, the challenges and opportunities for women-led localisation. Drawing on an initial analysis of data, this Preliminary Research Summary provides an overview of early findings and potential recommendations to the Indonesian government and other Grand Bargain signatories.

Grand Bargain annual independent report 2019

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
The present report is the third annual independent review of the collective progress made by the Signatories to the Grand Bargain against their commitments. Three years into the process, the Grand Bargain continues to attract substantial institutional investments from most Signatories, many of whom have dedicated staff/staff time, integrated the concept and the commitments into corporate strategies and policies and used the framework to shape institutional practice.

Grand Bargain Annual meeting 2019 - Statements

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
Grand Bargain signatories provide optional written statements on the ocassion of the Annual Meeting in June 2019. 

Workstream 5: Tools and guidance for advancing coordinated needs assessment and analysis through the Grand Bargain

Document Type
Product Category
Needs Assessment
Published Date
Workstream 5 (Improve joint and impartial needs assessments), co-convened by ECHO and OCHA, has produced a package of tools and guidance which reflects some of their work to date. These tools and guidance, when accompanied by sufficient and appropriate capacity, will contribute to advancing coordinated needs assessment and analysis through the Grand Bargain. The documents include:1. The Grand Bargain Principles for Collaborative Needs Assessment Ethos2. Quality criteria for multi sectoral needs assessments and analysis
A screenshot of the top of the newsletter, with photo of Mark Lowcock sat at the head of a table and the title 'The IASC Calls for Action'

IASC Principals and Update from the New Structures: IASC Newsletter No. 02 – 2019

Document Type
IASC Newsletter
Published Date
Click here to read the second 2019 edition of the IASC Newsletter, where we take a look at; The IASC Principals' May 2019 meeting The first meeting of the new IASC Operational Policy and Advocacy Group (OPAG) The OPAG's Results Groups' Priority Areas of Action to deliver on their priorities in 2019. Highlights from the work of the Subsidiary Bodies in 2018 Upcoming Events

Piloting the IASC Disability Guidelines on GBV

Document Type
Product Category
Persons with Disabilities
Published Date
With funds received from the Australian government, the Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC) is supporting the work of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Task Team mandated to develop global Guidelines on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action, assuming a technical lead role to: