Documents of The Grand Bargain (Official website)


Charter4change recommendations for the Grand Bargain 2.0

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
These recommendations reflect the views and voices of both C4C INGO signatories and national NGO endorsers highlighting some practical ways forward for the Grand Bargain Facilitation Group (FG) and Eminent Person (EP) in accelerating the Grand Bargain process.
dev actors and nexus

Development Actors and the Nexus: Lessons from crises in Bangladesh, Cameroon and Somalia

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
Published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Development Initiatives and Norwegian Refugee Council, this report explores, from the vantage point of development cooperation, how to operationalise the ‘triple nexus’ of humanitarian−development−peace (HDP) action across five key areas: 1) partnerships and strategy, 2) coordination and joined

Grand Bargain Self-Reporting Exercise 2020 - 2021

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
This year, 97% Signatories reported by the deadline for 2020 (61 out of 63 Signatories), which importantly demonstrates your commitment and engagement. The analysis of the findings from the self-reports will be published in the Annual Independent Report.
8+3 template

Harmonised and simplified narrative reporting: Signatories using the 8+3 template

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
Under the auspices of workstream 9 (Harmonise and simplify reporting requirements), Co-convenors Germany and ICVA developed and successfully piloted a simplified reporting template (“the 8+3 template”). The 8+3 Template ensures quality reports while enabling humanitarian organisations to spend less time on bureaucracy and more on their core tasks. In March 2021, 15 Grand Bargain Signatories are already either implementing or actively considering using the 8+3 reporting template.

A4EP statement - Future course for a Grander Bargain 2.0 - Time to walk side by side

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
This paper has been developed to articulate the perspectives of A4EP members on the future direction of the Grand Bargain v2.0. The target audience of the paper is the Eminent person, the Facilitation Group, Ministers, Principles and signatories who endorsed the future direction of the Grand Bargain. The paper highlights the key areas that need to be included and addressed by the future Grand Bargain.

The Programme Based Approach – 10 lessons

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
The Norwegian Refugee Council's report presents ten lessons from the first years of the Programme Based Approach (PBA) implementation and learning.
independent review of donor assessments

Independent Review of Individual Donor Assessments in Humanitarian Operations - December 2020

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
The Grand Bargain commitment 4.5 specifically seeks to increase “the proportion of funding used for the direct benefit of affected people.” Toward this end, Signatories agreed to “reduce individual donor assessments.” This report summarizes the results of an independent review that collected evidence on and analyzed the effects of donor assessments conducted between 2016 an
survey findings

Future of the Grand Bargain - Survey findings, November 2020

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
In September and October 2020, the Grand Bargain Secretariat carried out two separate surveys to contribute to the consultations on the future of the Grand Bargain by addressing some of the knowledge gaps and providing quantitative data on the views of Signatories and non-Signatories.