Documents of The Grand Bargain (Official website)

Caucus on cash coordination - Strategy October 2021

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
The EP, in consultation with the Facilitation Group and other stakeholders, has agreed to lead a caucus on cash coordination. The caucus will convene key actors with the objective of recommending a solution to ensure accountable and predictable cash coordination, striking a good balance between inclusivity and effectiveness of the dialogue.  

Moving forward localisation of humanitarian action in the Philippines - Summary

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
This report presents key findings of the country level dialogue carried out in the Philippines between February and July 2021 and aims to serve as a localisation blueprint, a plan of action, with concrete recommendations to be taken forward by various stakeholders.

Criteria for establishing Grand Bargain 2.0 Caucuses

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
Following the Grand Bargain Signatories' endorsement of a new approach in the Grand Bargain 2.0 – political caucuses, which will focus on specific strategic issues in an ad hoc manner, with clear objectives and a limited timeframe, please see

2021 Grand Bargain Workstream 6 Strategy Update

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
Ahead of the Grand Bargain Annual Meeting 2021, the Signatories endorsed the Framework and the annexes for the Grand Bargain 2.0. In addition to existing workstreams, a new structure element was introduced – political caucuses, which will be focusing on specific strategic issues in an ad hoc manner, with clear objectives and a limited timeframe.

Grand Bargain 2.0 Framework and annexes - DE/EN/ES/FR

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
Ahead of the Grand Bargain Annual Meeting 2021, the Signatories endorsed the Framework and the annexes for the Grand Bargain 2.0.  The document has been translated to German, French and Spanish with the support of the EU/DG ECHO.

Grand Bargain Annual Meeting 2021 - Summary Note

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
Five years after the Grand Bargain was launched, the Signatories met for a virtual Annual Meeting on 15 and 16 June 2021 to acknowledge progress made and to ensure a commitment to the Grand Bargain 2.0.

Multi-Stakeholder Senior Officials Meeting: Advancing Quality Funding Through Grand Bargain 2.0

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
On Wednesday, June 2, 2021, the Grand Bargain Enhanced Quality Funding Workstream (7&8), with the support of the Eminent Person’s Office, the Facilitation Group, and the Grand Bargain Secretariat, convened a closed-door senior-level meeting of key signatories to discuss the advancement of the quality funding agenda, as one of the two enabling priorities in the next iteration of the Grand Bargain.