Documents of The Grand Bargain (Official website)

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Multi-year humanitarian funding: Global baselines and trends

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
The Grand Bargain calls for aid organisations and donors to increase multi-year humanitarian planning and funding. However, the extent to which progress is being made remains unclear. Existing data sources – including the Grand Bargain self-reporting process, the Financial Tracking Service (FTS) of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) and independent research – do not currently provide a clear picture of the quantity of multi-year funding passing through the humanitarian system.

ActionAid: Partnerships for humanitarian action: challenges for large INGOs without a traditional partnership approach

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
On 14 January 2020, the Accelerating Localisation through Partnerships programme (led by Christian Aid) and the Humanitarian Policy Group of ODI hosted a closed-door roundtable under Chatham House Rule to discuss the challenges for large INGOs without a traditional partnership approach to move towards partnerships in humanitarian contexts. This discussion took place within the framework of on-going efforts by the humanitarian system to support more local and locally-led humanitarian action.
education cluster report

Global Education Cluster - Summary Report on Strategic Advisory Group Localisation Workshop

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
The Global Education Cluster (GEC) held a workshop on localisation in Geneva, Switzerland, 17 – 21 February, 2020, with participation from the new members of its Strategic Advisory Group (SAG). The new members of SAG represent local and national NGOs (L/NNGO) from 7 countries with an existing education cluster. Please see the summary report of the workshop below.
FOGG photo

Global Consultation outcome report: From words to action – Promoting gender equality and transformative action through the Grand Bargain

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
On 13 December 2019, UN Women and the Grand Bargain Friends of Gender Group (FoGG) organized a global consultation in Geneva to enable dialogue among the Grand Bargain (GB) Facilitation Group, Workstream co-conveners, signatories, and representatives of local women-led and women’s rights organizations (WLOs and WROs) on results to da
unhcr wfp

Update from UNHCR and WFP: Update on use of innovation and technology, January 2020

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
One of “the reduce management costs” workstream commitments of the Grand Bargain is to decrease the costs of delivering assistance with the use of technology and innovation (commitment 4.1). Reducing management costs will increase the portion of funding used for the direct benefit of affected people. There are various ways to do so, including with mobile technology for needs assessments/post distribution monitoring; digital platforms/mobile devices for financial transactions; communication with affected population via call centers/SMS; sustainable energy and biometrics.

Moving the localization agenda forward: Recommendations by the Charter for Change

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
The Charter for Change held its annual meeting in Copenhagen on 10-11 December 2019 that gathered 31 local/national NGOs from crisis-affected contexts and 25 international NGOs. The meeting produced a communiqué calling on the Grand Bargain Facilitation Group to put localisation as one of the key themes on the agenda for the GB annual meeting in June 2020. The Charter for Change sets out in the communiqué key ideas for moving the GB localisation agenda forward, including: ● A focus on localisation and participation at the 2020 Grand Bargain annual meeting