Documents of The Grand Bargain (Official website)

Harmonizing Reporting Pilot (8+3 template) - final review

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Published Date
This review report details the results of the ‘Harmonizing Reporting Pilot’ and the experience of donors and partners with the harmonized reporting template, also called ‘8+3 template’. Piloting the harmonized reporting template for the last two years showed that most users view the new template as a significant improvement over existing donor templates, because it simplifies and standardizes the narrative reporting process considerably.

15 NGOs endorse global collaboration for greater efficiency and effectiveness in cash programming

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Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
In 2016, the Grand Bargain gave momentum to a joint NGO effort to advance our global commitments on cash-based humanitarian assistance. The outcome of that effort was the creation of the Collaborative Cash Delivery (CCD) Network. With the Grand Bargain entering its fourth year, the NGO community has reflected on how we can program higher quality assistance more quickly, effectively and inclusive of the inputs of people affected by crises. The Grand Bargain commitments provide a framework for us to have this conversation.

The Grand Bargain Annual Meeting 2019 Agenda

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Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
Please find below the agenda of the Grand Bargain Annual Meeting 2019, which took place in Geneva on 27 June 2019. 

Third Grand Bargain Cash Workstream workshop - co-convenors report

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Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
The third Grand Bargain Cash Workstream workshop was held at WFP Headquarters in Rome on 16-17 May 2019, hosted by WFP and DFID. Over 85 participants attended the workshop, representing 60 donor and humanitarian organisations and multilateral agencies, and including representatives from the global clusters, research institutes and specialist agencies and organisations.

A feminist exploration of women-led localisation in the Central Sulawesi response

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Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
In September 2018, a series of powerful earthquakes struck the Central Sulawesi Province of Indonesia. In partnership with local women and women-led organisations, ActionAid undertook a qualitative feminist research study to understand, within the unique parameters of the Central Sulawesi response, the challenges and opportunities for women-led localisation. Drawing on an initial analysis of data, this Preliminary Research Summary provides an overview of early findings and potential recommendations to the Indonesian government and other Grand Bargain signatories.
Financing the nexus

Financing the nexus gaps and opportunities from a field perspective

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Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
The humanitarian and development sectors have been aiming to increase collaboration to meet immediate humanitarian needs whilst strengthening community resilience and preparedness, and contributing to sustainable development and sustained peace. But has this been matched with flexible, multi-year and predictable funding at the operational level?

Grand Bargain annual independent report 2019

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
The present report is the third annual independent review of the collective progress made by the Signatories to the Grand Bargain against their commitments. Three years into the process, the Grand Bargain continues to attract substantial institutional investments from most Signatories, many of whom have dedicated staff/staff time, integrated the concept and the commitments into corporate strategies and policies and used the framework to shape institutional practice.