Documents of The Grand Bargain (Official website)

Webinar: What is the UN Business Innovations Group (BIG) in the Grand Bargain to reduce management cost?

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Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
Join an online presentation by the UN Business Innovations Group (BIG) inter-agency team, on business operations strategy, common back offices, and premises, and the global shared service centre. Speaker Dominic Grace, BIG Team Leader Facilitator Hiroko Araki, Dialing information We will be using WebEx Meeting Center. Please follow the instructions to join. Meeting number (access code): 706 653 582 Meeting password: BIG@26Nov19

Facilitation Group 2019-2020: Workplan

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Grand Bargain
Published Date
As we start our tenure as the Facilitation Group 2019-2020, we wanted to share with you some of our upcoming plans and priorities for our collective efforts for a more efficient and effective humanitarian system. First of all, we would like to inform you that the deadline for the submission of self-reports will be 14 February 2020. We will communicate the details as soon as they are available.

Workstream 7 & 8: Priority Action Plan (November 2019)

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Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
Please find below the priority action plan for workstream 7 & 8 (Increase collaborative humanitarian multi-year planning and funding and reduce the earmarking of donor contributions), finalized in November 2019. For more information, don't hesitate to reach out to the Co-convenors (Canada, Sweden, OCHA, UNICEF, ICRC, NRC).
A group of people sat in a meeting room looking at projected screens.

Outcome report - Progress Acceleration Workshop: Enhanced Quality Funding through Reduced Earmarking, Multi-Year Planning and Funding

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Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
Building on the recommendations made at the Grand Bargain Annual Meeting in June 2019, the co-conveners of the Enhanced Quality Funding workstream, Canada, UNICEF, Sweden, ICRC, Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and UN OCHA, organised a one-day workshop in Geneva to agree on practical strategies and solutions in order to accelerate progress against the Grand Bargain multi-year and flexible funding commitments.

Harmonized Reporting Template (8+3 template) - final

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Grand Bargain
Published Date
Following the conclusion of the pilot phase of the harmonized reporting template, the 8+3 template has been finalized. The feedback from pilot participants was reviewed and some of the elements of the template were adjusted slightly to improve the usability of the template and the clarity of language.

The Grand Bargain Annual Meeting 2019 Outcome document

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Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
This is the final summary note from the Grand Bargain Annual Meeting 2019, including identified actions that Signatories will take to move forward with their Grand Bargain commitments.

Multi-year humanitarian funding: a thematic evaluation

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Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
Humanitarian aid is largely concentrated in crises that are protracted or recurrent. In 2016, 60% of global humanitarian financing went to just 10 countries. Almost three-quarters of this aid went to long-term recipients (where a crisis has lasted eight years or more) and 86% went to crises that had endured over three years.