News of The Grand Bargain (Official website)


The Programme Based Approach – 10 lessons

Published Date
The Norwegian Refugee Council's report presents ten lessons from the first years of the Programme Based Approach (PBA) implementation and learning.

The Grand Bargain in Practice: Belgium reducing the impact of Covid-19 with flexible funding and increased local partnerships

Published Date
Prompted by the effects of the pandemic, Belgium increased further its flexibility and decided to foster more coordination and collaboration between the Belgian NGOs in the framework of the Covid-19 response.   Before the Covid-19 pandemic, various countries in the Great Lakes, Sahel and Middle East regions were already confronting multiple and protracted risks and crises, deepened by the impact of climate change. Covid-19 exacerbated existing vulnerabilities, and new challenges have been emerging.
survey findings

Future of the Grand Bargain - Survey findings, November 2020

Published Date
In September and October 2020, the Grand Bargain Secretariat carried out two separate surveys to contribute to the consultations on the future of the Grand Bargain by addressing some of the knowledge gaps and providing quantitative data on the views of Signatories and non-Signatories.