News of The Grand Bargain (Official website)

Workstream 9 on harmonised reporting: New donors adopt the 8+3 template - November 2020 update

Published Date
Ahead of the upcoming end of the year (and of this year’s the Grand Bargain reporting period), the Co-Convenors of Workstream 9, Germany and ICVA, would like to share some news on the progress of the harmonized and simplified 8+3 reporting template. A number of signatories have previously indicated their support of the 8+3 Template and its implementation (see Grand Bargain website).

Workstream 4 on reduced duplication and management costs: UN/NGO Partnership agreements - November 2020 update

Published Date
In order to increase efficiency in managing partnership agreements, UNHCR has further refined its risk-based approach whereby NGO partners are grouped into 3 categories - A (high-capacity/low-risk), B (medium), C (low-capacity/high-risk).  For existing partners, the categorization is based on previous audits and assessments of internal controls. If a partner has been assessed by UNICEF, UNFPA, UNDP (the Harmonized Approach to Cash Transfers/HACT agencies) or by OCHA Country Based Pooled Fund (CBPF), then UNHCR Representatives have the discretion to take that rating int
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Workstream 2 on Localisation: Potential of pooled funds for localisation, and a call for country-based co-facilitators - November 2020 update

Published Date
Call for country-based co-facilitators The Localisation Workstream is seeking self-nominations for potential country-based co-facilitators to support the dialogue processes on localisation. Nominations should be submitted together by at least three co-facilitators, one of which must be a local actor and one a GB signatory.

Consultancy for study: progress in addressing the Humanitarian Financing Gap

Published Date
The Netherlands is looking for a consultancy for a study to be conducted in the next few months on efforts and progress towards addressing the Humanitarian Financing Gap. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 has led to an increase of humanitarian needs. While donors have rushed to increase their financial contributions to the global humanitarian response, a gap between humanitarian needs and available humanitarian resources persist.

Workstream 5 on Joint Needs Analysis: Data Entry and Exploratory Platform (DEEP) Secondary Data Review (SDR) Project for seven Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC) Countries (November 2020 Update)

Published Date
The Data Entry and Exploration Platform (DEEP) is an open-source inter-agency initiative offering a structured way to compile, process, store and share qualitative data and information for use in humanitarian and development needs analysis, while encouraging collaboration and transparency.
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The Grand Bargain in humanitarian operations [DE/EN/ES/FR]

Published Date
Updated on 19 November 2020 Four years into the Grand Bargain process, it is clear that the mechanism is acting as a lever for change and is having a wider impact in terms of a more cohesive, collaborative approach across the international humanitarian aid sector.