News of The Grand Bargain (Official website)


Canada shows it's possible: Systematically providing overhead costs to partners

Published Date
Having sufficient funds to cover staff resources and administrative costs in an organisation is key for the sustainability of any organisation, be it international or local. While donors recognise they play an important role in advancing localisation, they are often confronted with institutional and political barriers.

Grand Bargain Annual Meeting 2023 - Statements

Published Date
Please see below the statements on the occasion of the Grand Bargain Annual Meeting 2023:  Australia - Grand Bargain Statement 2023 CAFOD - Grand Bargain Statement 2023

Grand Bargain beyond 2023

Published Date
Five years after the Grand Bargain was agreed in 2016, the priorities and structures were revised by the Signatories in 2021, with an agreement to review them again in June 2023.
Risk Sharing Framework

Risk Sharing Framework

Published Date
The Risk Sharing Platform was established in 2021 and is co-led by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the ICRC and InterAction.