News of The Grand Bargain (Official website)

Risk sharing updates

Updates on risk sharing - February 2023

Published Date
In December 2022, the Netherlands, the ICRC, and InterAction renewed their commitment as co-leads of the Risk Sharing Initiative.
C4C recos on funding for localisation

Charter4Change recommendations on implementation of the Grand Bargain Caucus on Funding for Localisation

Published Date
The Charter4Change (C4C) Coalition convened its 2022 Global Annual Conference on January 24th-26th 2023  with a Session on the Grand Bargain Caucus on Funding for Localisation. Over 80 participants joined the meeting from across the C4C membership; including INGOs and local/national actors (LNAs) and allies  from every region around the world.
A4EP Statement

A4EP calls for action on commitments in the earthquake response in Türkiye and North West Syria

Published Date
Time and again it is the local people who save most lives in the first hours when it matters most. In Syria the first responders used their bare hands and shovels to rescue people, even while they grieve for their own loss.  We want to pay tribute to thousands of local people from Türkiye and Syria who are involved in search and res
new signatory

Pan American Development Foundation (PADF) joins the Grand Bargain

Published Date
Following a successful application, the Pan American Development Foundation (PADF) is the newest, 66th Signatory to the Grand Bargain. The Grand Bargain now includes 66 Signatories (25 states, 11 UN Agencies, 5 inter-governmental organizations and Red Cross/Red Crescent Movements and 25 NGOs).
Marwa Eissa

Why is the target of 25% of humanitarian funding to local and national actors so important?

Published Date
In July 2022, Grand Bargain EP Jan Egeland and NEAR Executive Director Hibak Kalfan successfully launched a caucus on funding for localisation, with members from the following organisations: USAID, Denmark, UNHCR, OCHA, IFRC, Save the Children, A4EP and the NW Syria NGO forum. The caucus' members are working together to find a political agreement that includes a roadmap, which establishes a new timeline, through milestones, to reach the 25% target of all funding delivered as directly as possible to L/NAs and to ensure ongoing transparency.
Shrink the needs - a Grander Bargain is no longer an option

Shrink the needs: a Grander Bargain is no longer an option but a necessity

Published Date
We are pleased to share with you the A4EP's paper, Shrink the needs, A Grander Bargain is no longer an option but a necessity. This paper focuses on the future of the Grand Bargain, the necessity of shrinking the needs and finding solutions for equitable partnership and quality funding to local and national actors, the opportunities missed under the