News of The Grand Bargain (Official website)

A4EP From surviving to thriving

A4EP - From surviving to thriving

Published Date
As a contribution to the Conference on Supporting Local Actors Across the HDP Nexus on 5-6 October 2023 in Copenhagen, A4EP developed a position paper, outlining its perspective and its recommendations.
Grand Bargain Ambassadors and Facilitation Group meeting

Grand Bargain Ambassadors and Facilitation Group - Summary Note - September 2023

Published Date
The Grand Bargain Ambassadors Jemilah Mahmood, Manuel Bessler, Michael Köhler met with the Facilitation Group (FG) Sherpas of the incoming/remaining and outgoing members (A4EP, ICVA, ICRC, UNHCR) on 5 September 2023 in Geneva, chaired by A4EP, followed by a meeting of the new Facilitation Group (EU/DG ECHO, Germany, OCHA, UNICEF, IFRC, InterAction, NEAR),
Implementation of the Grand Bargain commitments by Signatories in 2022

Implementation of the Grand Bargain commitments by Signatories in 2022

Published Date
Implementation of the Grand Bargain commitments by Signatories in 2022 The Annual Independent Report 2023 outlines the Signatories' actions in 2022 to implement the Grand Bargain commitments.  The visual below presents examples of actions taken by the Signatories. Click on the bubbles to find out how the Signatories are implementing the commitments.  
Donors roundtable on MYF models

Donors roundtable on Multi Year Financing models

Published Date
On 27 September 2022, a roundtable co-organised by DG ECHO, Save the Children and International Rescue Committee on multi-year financing (MYF) models took place virtually.
A4EP Tangible shift from paper to practice

A4EP - Tangible shift from paper to practice : Grand Bargain beyond 2023

Published Date
We are pleased to present A4EP's paper, which delves into their experience within the Grand Bargain Facilitation Group over the past year and outlines not only their priorities and commitments but also their perspective on the path the Grand Bargain intends to take.
GB AM 2023

Grand Bargain Annual Meeting 2023

Published Date
This year, at the Annual Meeting, the Signatories took stock of progress achieved in implementing the Grand Bargain commitments in 2022.